Episode 97 

“Learning to Navigate the Competition Vibe and What it Can Teach Us”.


We all feel a competition vibe from time to time. It could be with coworkers, friends, acquaintances, family members, others in our industry, or against ourselves, always trying to one-up what we have already done.

It’s natural to feel that way when our self-worth is feeling confronted, or when we are at a big transition point in our lives, unsure of what’s next; when we will “make it”.  A competition vibe can also rise up when we are feeling disharmony within ourselves and are unsure why it seems so easy for others to feel clear, confident, and happy.

This is all part of the human experience, but it’s also a sign, message, and feeling, that we are not able to own the fact that we are enough, just as we are. It’s also a reflection of not understanding when competitive energy is directed at us, especially empaths, and how to be clear that we are not the source.

On the latest podcast, I talk about ways we can recognize and use a competition vibe in our favor. I also talk about how to tap into it as a guide to show us where we can do the deeper emotional work or release, especially when the energy expands beyond a healthy competitive game, or tends to linger in our mind and heart.

I also share three important questions to ask yourself when you are challenged by a feeling of competition and want to take steps to dig into what is underneath for more clarity. Lastly, I offer specific tips on how to flip the script to tune in to what’s really going on, then kick-start awareness and healing.

When we can be present with the competition vibe, it’s easier to see where we need healing, more self-love, or explore new ways to step into our brilliance and power in a bigger way and really own it.

Interested in more podcasts on a similar topic? Listen to Practicing How to Suspend Judgement Against Yourself and Others, or Diving Into Your Truth vs the Ultimate Truth. Want to spend some time chatting with me for a reading or coaching? Visit Creative Katrina to see my schedule and set up a time.