Episode 98

“Shoulds and Getting Ready to Level Up in Life”.


A change of seasons is on the way, offering a great opportunity to get clear, let go, and tune into new ways we want to level up in life.

Nature’s seasonal shifts are a perfect reminder to go within and connect with new internal desires that want to be expressed. But we don’t have to wait for an external cue to remember change is possible, and we are ready for it. In fact, we often get internal nudges and pokes that come in the form of feeling bored, irritated, stiff, over stimulated, mentally scattered, and overwhelmed, paired with a whole lotta “should” talk. And it can make us feel unsettled rather than inspired.

Through my work as a creativity coach and intuitive, I notice these types of fears and behavior patterns develop when next-level living is inviting clients to dance in a new way. These twinges serve as a reminder to create a new path forward, while challenging them to find fresh ways to maintain self-care, self-love, and patience during the process of stretching into new ways of living.

On the latest episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about how when we consciously, or subconsciously, decide it’s time to level up in life, we become challenged in unique and interesting ways. I cover how it can make us feel like we’ve made the wrong choice, doubt our ability and direction, and put us in a position to face what we fear. To help, I share tips to help manage and tune into the reasons behind the discomfort.

During the episode I also discuss interesting ways emotions can arise and toss us into protection mode, blocking the ability to see our feelings as a conduit to release old emotional patterns holding us back. Lastly, I share questions listeners can ponder to help them get clear, more inspired, and dismantle the “should talk” that keeps us from moving forward with confidence and into transformation.

Interested in listening to podcasts on a similar topic? Check out Navigating Transition Through Choices and Trust and Detach from Old Versions of the Self to Allow the New to Emerge. Want an intuitive reading and guidance? Schedule a session with me on Creative Katrina.