Episode 124 

Listen to “Is it Time to Rebel Against What You’ve Created?” on Spreaker.


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How can you tell when it’s time to change, let something go, or time to rebel against what you’ve created?

Here are some clues. Friction. Confusion. Conflicting feelings. A pull towards change, even if you aren’t quite sure what that change would be, or simply a desire to shake things up. 

What your heart is trying to tell you when these elements arise is that a shift is taking place, or there’s a need for a shift to take place in order to create a new foundation in your life more true to who you are, and who you are becoming. There’s a natural recalibration that needs to emerge; a new flow and awareness that needs to rise up. 

When it comes down to it, we need to find fresh balance between:

  • What we’ve created physically, mentally, and emotionally
  • How it’s serving us now 
  • If the approach, structure, or how we think and feel about it needs an update 

Most importantly, we need to take a beat and think about the most important aspect – where we have compromised:

  • The self 
  • What we really want 
  • Dreams and aspirations
  • In relationships
  • Our heart 

On the latest episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about creating a clear slate in mind and heart to build something original that’s not overshadowed by where and how you may have compromised in the past. I also share how understanding this history helps move us forward with a fresh perspective. 

Many of us have gone down paths in a relationship, career, family dynamics, habits, fears and more that served us, until now. Once we’ve had a chance to experience life with these filters, you can also begin to see and feel where you want to rebel against what you’ve created, in big and small ways. 

The trick is in understanding the feeling of wanting to rebel and understand where the “itch”  comes from to get clear and move towards positive change. Rebellion is perfectly natural, and on the podcast I offer tips and insights to help you navigate ways to rebel against what you’ve created to help you learn, grow and expand into new doors that open for you as a result of sparking a choice towards change in your life. 

Interested in more Flirting With Enlightenment podcasts? Listen to Tapping Into Frustration as a Growth Tool and Seeing and Understanding the Role of Chaos in Our Lives. Want some 1-1 time with me for a personal consult to dive into where you are feeling friction personally and find solutions to move through it? Set up an appointment with me on Creative Katrina using the blue tab on the bottom right corner of the site.