Episode 125

Listen to “Taking Risks and Building the New” on Spreaker.

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Taking risks means different things to everyone. What we see as a risk is a blend of our experiences, fears, challenges, and influences from family and friends. The actual risk levels we perceive from an emotional perspective are closely tied to our beliefs and what we value.

For example, if we’ve experienced things that make us feel like life is generally risky no matter what we do, then we may be hesitant to change even the smallest of things. If we are connected to our intuition and inner voice, and have confidence in it, we are more open to stepping forward into risk, as we trust our instincts and are confident we can manage whatever happens.

Once we have experienced a setback, and shame sets in, it can become difficult to decipher a big risk from a small one as we jump into hyper vigilance. It’s also easier to keep ourselves small. We hold back in fear of getting hurt again. Daring to even dream of building something new seems too risky.

On this episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about the perception of taking risks and how personality and upbringing influence the risks we are willing to take. I also offer simple tips to help dig a little deeper into what you see as risk, why, and how to move forward with behavior change to update how you perceive risk as you build a new path or perspective.

What do you consider risky? Are you overly attached to a specific desired outcome, so you keep risks small and simple? Or do you jump into risky situations frequently, consistently creating chaos that keeps you off balance and ungrounded? What balance can you strike between both for how you work best?

Interested in listening to similar topics on the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast? Check out Releasing What We Believe About What We Deserve and Facts, Feelings and the Truth Between. If you want to have a 1-1 consult with me, connect with me on Creative Katrina and schedule an appointment.