Episode 140

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What does the phrase stepping up mean to you?

Take action? Work harder? Take responsibility? Do more? Or does it also mean taking a beat? Getting clearer on desires, skills and areas of healing? Finding what truly aligns with your personal needs, wants and ideals, and then operating from that pace and place?

In my opinion, it’s all of the above – and more.

Yet, many people get into a behavior pattern of action, expectation, and shame reaction – meaning – they do the same old thing while expecting different results. Often, its a completely unconscious behavior they live out, over and over, while feeling stuck, unseen and unloved.

As individuals, we each have a unique responsibility to make room and space for our own healing and self-care. This includes taking time to check in with yourself and feelings. It also includes clearly knowing your boundaries and limits in order to craft a mindset and work schedule that serves the true you – not the “wish list” version of you. Most importantly, it means knowing what you need to do in order to feel you matter, and take steps to honor your personal value.

On this episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about the general vibe of stepping up energy, and how it’s often misused and misunderstood. I also discuss the ways you can trick yourself into continuing with a limited mindset and outlook, while simultaneously beating yourself up. Lastly, I talk about stepping up to love yourself more authentically and fully, and seeing emotional release and surrender as a positive tool, not a weakness to be endured or changed.

So how do you want to define the energy of stepping up in the context of your own life and actions? Now is the time to explore and find what beliefs, values and approaches serve you at this stage of your life, as you move forward and connect with a more aligned personal path that includes joy, happiness and deep-hearted truth.

To listen to episodes on a similar topic, check out Exciting and Scary May Feel the Same, So Can You Tell the Difference? or Overcoming the Fear of Being Yourself. I can also support your unique needs through 1-1 coaching or consulting or through my small group discussion and group coaching in my Creative Mastermind Online sessions.