Episode 134

Listen to “Why It’s Good Self-Care to Revisit Passions and Goals” on Spreaker.

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When you think about taking time to revisit lifelong passions and goals, what thoughts and feelings come to mind?

Do you feel on track? Judge yourself because you feel far from reaching them? Missed one big goal, so you kind of gave up? Or are you a more “go with the flow kind of person”, and just slip into a passive role as life slides on by?

None if these answers are “right” or “wrong”. And none of these answers mean you are missing out, or knocking it out of the park.

Depending on what your gut and heart say, it’s simply good self-care to see if your personal vision, values, and how you see yourself match up with what you want now. And taking time to revisit lifelong passions and goals can clarify things in your heart and mind you didn’t realize were still confusing or frustrating you.

It’s easy to get busy, lose focus, and just plod forward using the same old passions and dreams to guide you. At the same time, you change and evolve as a person in ways you can NEVER predict, and connect with other folks who you could never have anticipated meeting.

On this episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about why it’s essential to revisit lifelong passions and goals now more than ever, and the reasons it’s important for self-care. I also talk about why opening a heart dialogue is what’s called for to tap into what is true for you now, and allowing the mind to take a back seat as you reconnect with updated desires and opportunities that feel fresh, clear and invigorating.

Lastly, I share simple ways to tap in and create space and listen to your heart so that moving forward you can leave “shoulds” “shame” and “someday” energies behind. It’s time to see who you really are, and embrace it; to create in alignment with what’s truly important to you. When this is your focus, the energy you invest, even when it’s difficult and you doubt yourself, goes towards building the kind of world you want to see for yourself and others like you.

We are all learning how to better communicate with our own hearts so that it feels natural to trust ourselves – and that includes when to move forward, take a break, try a detour or simply be in the moment, no action required.

Interested in listening to more podcasts on a similar topic? Check out The Trap of Valuing Appearances More Than Ourselves and Releasing What We Believe We Deserve. Want to connect with me for some 1-1 consulting or join my Creative Mastermind Online? Visit Creative Katrina.