Episode 129

Listen to “Finding Gifts and Empowerment in Loss” on Spreaker.

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Everyone experiences loss, and there are gifts and empowerment to be found within it – even if it feels impossible to find. These transformational moments can change life forever in a split second and raise lots of regrets, fears and inner questions while we try to work up to a “new normal” and move forward.

During this process, it’s easy to stay in the energy of what no longer is, or will be again. The loss of comfort, routine, love, closeness with a person or pet, clarity about what’s next, or understanding where we sit in the middle of it can come at us all at once. It can also be hard not to take the situation or loss personally, or worry about what to do next. The experience may feel a lot like moving backwards mentally and emotionally before a new pathway emerges towards healing.

What’s true in every experience of loss is the gift, if we are willing to open our hearts to releasing what is no longer and grieve it in our own way. Then we are able to connect with the deeper gifts available, now that an opportunity, connection or circumstance has served its purpose and transpired into another form. Grief and emotional release are a natural part of this process, and so is inner transformation – taking what is no longer true, and growing as a result.

On this episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about the energy of loss as part of the creative and personal development cycle, and how we can find both empowerment and gifts within the experience to shape our path forward. I also offer my perspectives and tips on how to shift perspective around loss and what it means in the big picture, so you can take steps forward to embrace, process and move towards finding the gifts and empowerment in the experience.

Interested in listening to other podcasts on a similar topic? Check out Navigating Disappointment to Dream Again and Managing Perceptions and Beliefs Around Negative Emotions. Want to schedule some 1-1 time with me, Creative Katrina? Visit my site to schedule an appointment.

This podcast is also in honor of Bruzer, one of the most loving, special, beautiful cats I’ve even known. It was a true pleasure to be part of his life.

RIP Buddy!

cat, bruzer