Episode 115


The levels of goodbye matter. What we learn, how we heal, and what opens up next for us all starts with the levels of goodbye we integrate. Living through it, we find out why they matter, even if we don’t love the pace of the unfolding.

The flow of goodbye has its own timing and rhythm. So, when we are enmeshed in the goodbye process, our brain is in one of two modes:

#1 What is it we need to release and say goodbye to specifically?

#2 What’s next?

Let’s start with #1. Some things we need to release are obvious. Not only are they causing us pain, they aren’t helping us move forward in a way that’s healthy, healing, or clarifying.

However, these situations and challenges may also be emotional, complicated, and down right hard…while also feeling comfortable. Say wha?

Well, it’s easy to get comfortable in the life we’ve carefully crafted to feel more in control. We know what to expect and how to handle the “messy bits. Even if we’ve outgrown the structure, and it continues to feel challenging and unfulfilling, it seems easier to stay than start over.

Or, we toss is ALL out.

Yet, not everything has to go at bargain basement prices! Sometimes there’s an element that needs to be released – like our mindset about a person or opportunity. Other times our emotional reaction to a situation, or how we choose to let it impact our quality of life, needs an adjustment or release.

To connect with what we need to let go to grow, it can be as simple as asking the quintessential Marie Kondo question – does this spark joy? Even more specifically, how is this helping me grow, move forward, heal, or create peace of mind in my heart? And yes, this question is relevant for items, people, behavior patterns, routines, career, and more.

On this episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about the levels of goodbye in our emotional process, and how little things we hold onto can keep us stuck in big ways. I also talk about how staying present during the goodbye process helps us release old patterns around what we think we deserve, our attachments and their relevance, and prepare us for big emotional healing.

Lastly, I talk about how our mind can make up stories about the goodbye process, creating “shoulds” around how it must be and feel, sometimes creating fear loop that gets us stuck. So, I give you a few tips to get “unstuck”, and offer some special insights for creatives and sensitives.

The circle of life gives us many opportunities to practice with all levels of goodbye, creating a clearer understanding of how the process reveals more of our personal truths and desires.

Want to connect with me directly for intuitive support and coaching? Visit Creative Katrina and schedule a time.

Other Flirting With Enlighenment podcasts to listen to on similar topics: 

Managing Perceptions and Beliefs Around Negative Emotions

The Two Faces of Vulnerability and What They Show Us