Energy shifts can be big or subtle. The challenge is in honoring what you are sensing, then deciding it’s time to embrace what you feel to honor what it has to show you.

This month I was drawn to take a break from content creation as I move into some shifts of my own. I’m in the process of building a new website for Creative Katrina, my coaching and intuitive support business, and focusing on what I want to create next. I love writing content for my creativity blog and and recording podcasts for Flirting With Enlightenment, but my inner well was feeling a little dry. A sensation of aliveness is something I deeply cherish when I create content for these two sites, and it wasn’t kicking in as much as I would like. So I took a beat, and shook things up.

As I tuned into the energy of April I kept hearing – take it easy on yourself. Embrace this energy shift, and tune into the new flow ready to come through. So I listened. And I’m taking a “spring break” to honor that message for myself. The creative fire in me needs a little freshening up and cracking open! Perhaps this message resonates with you, too.

Each week, I’m so humbled by the amount of listeners I have for this podcast. I’m happy to see that what I’m passionate about sharing is touching the hearts of others and providing support, alignment, and true recognition of what unites us as humans with beautiful, healing, transforming souls.

During the next few weeks, think about how you can more deeply honor the energy shifts coming alive within you. Are you ready to hear a message that was tough to process, or make changes in areas where there’s growth to embrace? Most importantly, are you willing to take a step back, even when you feel a compulsion to force things, to actually hear what the heart wants you to know?

Interested in listening to podcasts on a deeper listening? Check out Shoulds and Getting Ready to Level Up in Life or 7 Ways to Use the Creative Power of Visualization.