Episode 106

“Breaking Patterns and Building New Creative Pathways”.


Breaking patterns that are outdated or unhealthy seems easy to do once you finally notice them. It gives you the edge to actively move towards releasing the hold they have over you with awareness, self-care, and practice. You can feel lighter, stronger, and truly empowered.

Basking in this new sense of freedom, however, can feel great and overwhelming at the same time. Why?

Breaking patterns can take away a sense of familiarity that’s easily confused with security, leaving you feeling a bit emotionally exposed and unsure if you can create new healthy, self-aware habits in their place. In addition, the creative path ahead is no longer clear. The conscious (and unconscious) energy you were using to “bust through” challenges needs to be redirected to support what you want to create next. Embarking into those new creative areas can also take a while to figure out and stretch into, leaving you with challenges around trust, faith, self-judgment while learning how to bring ideas into form.

On the latest episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about ways to notice energy around the act of breaking patterns and how to handle rebalancing your energy and mindset in the aftermath. I also share insights on how to check in with what your heart wants to create next. Are they aligned with your truth? How do they feel when you push beyond the act of planning? Lastly, I offer examples of how to challenge your perspective to see the active and shadow side of your natural tendencies, then use those insights as a tool for clarity to shift into what’s next.

Want to listen to similar episodes? Listen to Detach From Old Versions of the Self, Allow the New to Emerge or The Two Faces of Vulnerability and What They Show Us, Want a personal reading with me or some coaching? Set up an appointment here.