Episode 33

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Reincarnation is the idea that one life force lives many lifetimes as one soul through many physical bodies. For some, the concept of reincarnation as a reality is a no-brainer. Others feel it’s closer to the plot for a science fiction film.

Yet, we see reincarnation play out within us all the time as we learn, grow, release what we no longer need, then “transform” into something else.

No matter what perspective resonates, there’s still a sense of intrigue around why we feel a certain “knowing” about things or concepts in the present, when there’s no logical reason or explanation for it.

This “intuitive familiarity” from past lives can:

  • Draw us to particular people and experiences
  • Express itself as a natural affinity for particular skills
  • Lead us to reconnect with a lifestyle or specific period of time in history
  • Give us clues along our personal growth path
  • Allow us to heal and release past karma or unhealthy patterns

…and much more.

The connection between past lives goes beyond serving as a fun story to explore. It can actually reveal unique qualities, interests or insights on our soul’s purpose we can use in the present moment.

On this episode of Flirting With Enlightenment, we talk about the basic concepts of reincarnation and past lives, and offer tips for tuning into the wisdom you can capture from them. Jamie and I also talk about ways to visualize our “reincarnation highlight reel” to pull that awareness into the now as a support tool.

We all have unique gifts to contribute to the collective consciousness energy through our individual spirit. How would your outlook on life change if you knew your soul would continue to live on long after your physical body by sharing these gifts, lifetime to lifetime?

Want to dig a little deeper into reincarnation and how it relates to a personal experience? Check out Past Lives: 11 Signs That Your Soul Has Reincarnated Many Times. You can also check out past podcasts; What is Karma? or What is a Soulmate and Why do They Matter?