Episode 118

Listen to “Navigating Disappointment to Dream Again”.


Navigating disappointment to dream again is a common human connection point. We’ve all had experiences where the dream we wanted melted away before our eyes. Yet, even in the midst of disappointment, there are things we can do to acknowledge, process, understand, and heal, to go on to dream again.

Taking the steps to move through what never came to be starts with acknowledging that there is a loss, and then giving ourselves permission to move beyond that old foundation and belief system. However, fear, family programming, personal experiences and uncertainty can keep us in a state of in-between type energy. In this emotional soup, we are half-way between grieving and rebuilding  – and nothing seems clear. It can make us feel a little lost and unsure about what’s next, and if it will ever be as good as our original planned path.

This is a very necessary step to travel through; helping us to see what needs to go so we can grow, transform, and start creating a new way. This is also where we can make excuses or forget we have creative tools to help us release and rebuild from our natural creative voice.

The tools and gifts inside us are what help us dream a new dream in a way that works for us now, knowing what we know, and the steps that brought us to a crisis point to crack us open with change.

On the latest episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I offer tips and perspectives on how to navigate disappointment to dream again, while picking up important inner wisdom along the way. This insight is what helps us dream a new dream with a stronger, more empowered foundation that helps us grow new roots in fresh creative soil. Don’t let today’s disappointments cast a shadow on tomorrows dream.

Interested in listening to more podcasts on a similar topic? Check out Learning and Growing Through Crisis Energy or Shoulds and Getting Read to Level Up in Life.

Want more one on one support as you move through transition or personal challenges? Connect with me, Creative Katrina, for intuitive coaching or join my monthly Creative Mastermind that supports a small, focused group of creatives and entrepreneurs to identify obstacles, offer accountability, find creative solutions, and support a path of personal growth and success.