Episode 145

Listen to “Are you Taking Yourself Places You Aren’t Meant to Be?.

Apple Podcasts




Are you taking yourself places you aren’t mean to be?

Can you tell when something feels natural and easy and when it’s forced, but we push forward anyway?

Is the difference between determination and overdoing something clear? How about when a situation or relationship has been long over, but there is a part of you that is still living it in real time?

We often have no idea we are doing any of these things on purpose, we have just become used to how it already feels, without noticing we CAN do something different.

When we are taking ourselves places we aren’t mean to be it can make us feel like we are out of sync, forcing connection, working extra hard to fit in or feel energetically drained with each attempt or interaction. This can happen with friends, family and work related situations.

The desire to find where we fit in the world before we truly know ourselves can lead us towards people and career choices that feel off. Yet, we still push ourselves into them not because we don’t know better, but because we are operating on conditioning, fear and a desire to belong. Our true feelings may not be clear or we are afraid of what they might bring up for us to sort through.

When we are taking ourselves places we aren’t meant to be it can serve as an intense learning experience, but when we do it over and over, we have an opportunity to take a closer look at the reasons why.

Are you ready to step into a space of asking yourself this question, and remain actively open to the answer?

Interested in checking out some similar podcast episodes about connecting with your inner clarity? Listen to Exciting and Scary May Feel the Same, So Can you Tell the Difference?