Episode 146

Listen to “Stay in Question Energy”.



We often rush to find clear answers to certain questions in our lives, but what would happen if we stayed in question energy instead?

Does thinking about this approach to clarity feel freeing, or terrifying? How about anxious or never ending?

These feelings, and so many more, are completely valid. Staying in question energy evokes unique feelings in each person. However, the more you understand how to be in this space, and let those feelings be present without judging them or needing to get a clear path forward immediately, the closer you get to aligning with the acceptance of not knowing. Then, it can become a more comfortable experience, as well as freeing, in unexpected ways.

The process of how we find our own clarity is unique to us, but there is often a forced model created by modern society about the “best” way to get there. A “paint by numbers” approach may be a good way to discover the questions that get you started on a path to clarity, but, are only the beginning. Staying in question energy over time and taking quiet time to listen to your own heart  consistently help you craft personal questions to reveal answers that are purely yours, not the limited multiple choice response like ones often provided by linear program or course.

Getting outside guidance or using an existing framework can help you get closer to an answer that is truly yours, but if the questions you are asking yourself are cookie cutter or feel forced, following that model of inner questioning can be part of what keeps you stuck and feeling disconnected.

The truth is that being in a human body means we will always have questions about thousands of things. Why not spend that time getting comfortable with being in question energy and see it as powerful, rather than something to overcome?

Interested in listening to more podcasts on a similar topic? Check out Discovering Your Patience Practice.