Episode 138


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The art of dealing with the unexpected while taking self care is a lifelong, uneven dance.

Sometimes it flows effortlessly without the mind or distractions getting in the way of maintaining a regular self care practice. Other times, simply stopping for a moment to pause and quiet the mind is a full out challenge, or impossible.

It’s natural to let consistent stress and unexpected events like a death in the family, a financial loss, or a pandemic, for example, distract you from putting self care first – or even realizing you are overwhelmed and running on empty. In fact, it’s completely OK. It’s all part of learning to notice when you need extra support and self care moment to moment, and being present with the emotions coming up for release to make room for deeper healing.

The tricky part is finding a way to listen (and hear) your body, then actively take steps to implement the self care you truly need – without feeling ashamed, selfish or denying your needs altogether. Mental and emotional friction triggers overthinking, anger, frustration, depression, anxiety, physical challenges and more, inhibiting your ability to remain healthy and grounded to support others from a full cup.

On the latest episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about dealing with the unexpected while taking self care. I offer practical tips and insights to provide perspective and encouragement, and share simple ways to shift mindset and focus to tune out the “noise” and get down to what the heart really wants you to know. Lastly, I discuss the importance of noting and tracking your personal triggers and indicators that let you know when self care is critical, and what you need to feel better.

If you are interested in episodes on a similar topic, listen to The Illusion of Control and How it Causes Stress or The Root and Sacral Chakras. For some intuitive or consulting support, schedule an appointment with me on my website, Creative Katrina.