Episode 7

What is karma? Do you believe in it? Is it positive, negative, or simply a cause and effect dynamic that shows up in your life?

There are so many questions… but how can we tell if there’s an answer to confirm once and for all that it exists?

On this episode of Flirting with Enlightenment we explore how our karma relates to and shows up in our present day life.

  • Can it be positive or negative?
  • Is it specifically related to reincarnation?
  • How can we clear it?
  • Do our personal relationships give us a chance to practice and shift our experience of it?
  • How does compassion serves as a karmic connection to others in our life?

…and so much more.

When you do good deeds that impact others or impart negative acts that do the same, it’s all part of the cause and effect relationship you have with the people in your life. These actions, done mindfully or mindlessly, all chart your personal path to becoming more spiritually evolved – a little bit at a time.

What are some of your beliefs around how karma impacts your current life experiences?

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