Episode 131

Listen to “Turn Neutrality Into a Superpower” on Spreaker.

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The energy of neutrality is often underestimated as a superpower. It’s “nothingness” vibe takes us from a place where we are stuck in our patterns, fears, expectations and “shoulds”, and places us firmly in an energy of presence, deep connection with what we feel, know and want – with clarity.

Yet, with the fast pace of life we don’t feel we have time to take a beat, or a breath, and step into a neutral space to sense what we really want and need before taking decisive action. We can also feel rushed at every turn, as if we have no space to contemplate or process key information before making big decisions. Or, we habitually make the same small choices over and over keeping us in a rut we desperately want to break, but we feel unclear how to even start.

On this episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about the essence of neutrality as an energy, why it’s important, key ways it serves the mind, body and soul, and why it’s one of the most powerful skills we can develop.

I offer insights on how to tap into what’s at the root of old patterns and frustrations that might keep you from reaching a neutral space in your heart. I also share ways to introduce the practice of neutrality into your daily life to help you make decisions from a grounded, balanced clear place that keeps you out of “fight or flight”, and supports self-care on a larger scale.

If you would like to listen to podcast episodes on similar topics, check out Creating a Balance Between Taking Advice and Listening to Yourself or Listening to the Body and How it Shares Intuitive Guidance (from the way back archives.)

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