Episode 73

Listen to “Flirting With Enlightenment”.



Present moment thinking is an essential part of looking at life with an open mind and heart. From our attitude, career path, health, lifestyle, relationships and everything in between, the more we can be present in the moment with how we feel, the easier it becomes for us to act authentically while building self-awareness skills.

However, there is also an interesting way that present moment thinking can distract us from something very important – our fear.

When we have a big choice to make or are hesitant to move forward in life because it seems too scary, it’s easy to fall back on dedication to present moment mindfulness and stay stuck in the same spot. After all, we know what to expect here. Nothing gets better, but nothing gets worse. It’s a safe zone where uncomfortable emotions, doubt, fear and self-judgment can stay just under the surface, while we hold them at bay by staying focused on the present and what is right in front of us.

On the latest episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about ways we can see, recognize and honor when we are using present moment thinking as an excuse, and apply its powerful aspects to dig deeper into knowing ourselves. I also share specific examples of how we can get caught up in this dynamic without realizing it, and ways to apply present moment thinking to a fear or emotion to help dig deeper and dismantle it.

Being present is about our thoughts as well as our feelings. When we can honestly sit with both and still feel rooted in our truth, it’s easier to notice when we fall back on mindful, present moment thinking to avoid making a choice that may not reflect your expectations, or make you face your fears.

What are some ways you’ve caught yourself using present moment thinking as a crutch rather than fully stepping into a choice, emotions or fear? 

If you are interested in listening to additional episodes on a similar topic, check out Dealing With the Energy of What you Perceive as a No-Win Situation or What Does a Living Practice of Non-Attachment Look Like? 

FYI: There are a few changes to the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast moving forward, so please read this post to find out more! Thank you as always for listening!