Episode 53

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We all get stuck, but do you know how to move towards getting unstuck? Or do you often linger in victim mode, focusing on the ways things are not flowing or going in the way you envisioned?

The good news is that getting stuck is normal. It’s also a good sign you are ready for a change, entering a time of transition, or about to learn a deeper truth. Yet, being willing to sit with the “stuckness” and ask some deeper questions is what can help propel you out into a new, more resonant energy.

On the latest episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, Jamie and I offer some simple, go-to tips for getting unstuck in your career, personal relationships, creative expression, spirituality and more. Options like meditation and getting out in nature are popular standbys for getting grounded and clear in mind, body and spirit. Yet, we don’t always take the next step and carry what we learn during these still moments into real life action. On the podcast we share with you how.

We also offer insight on the number 1 question you should ask yourself first when you feel stuck, and how it helps to re-frame everything you do next. This is the anchor that will offer you a sense of where to start.

The most important thing to remember when you begin to feel frustrated or stuck is to have compassion for yourself and be willing to feel the feelings and be honest as you possibly can with yourself. Getting clear on if you are trying to force things, or if there is a bigger process taking place, will help you notice if you are attempting to distract yourself from “feeling” or “seeing”. These are two of the biggest challenges that stand in the way of you getting unstuck.

Tune into the podcast to learn how to ask the right questions when you feel challenged, and find out simple ways to get unstuck while helping you fall more into alignment with your highest and best path.

For more insight, check out previous podcasts Reviewing Habits that No Longer Serve You and How to Shift Them or The Illusion of Control and How it Causes Stress.

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