Episode 103

“Noticing Signs of Overwhelm and Tips to Create Healthy Self-Care Habits” on Spreaker.


Are you good at noticing signs of overwhelm? Can you tell when you need to walk away and get some space? Are there certain feelings or impulses that clue you into the fact you need to administer healthy self-care?

If not, you aren’t alone. Between learned family behaviors, long-held coping mechanisms, and the impact of day-to-day stress of life in a noisy world, it’s easy feel like fight or flight energy is just a part of a normal week. It’s also easy to overlook or misunderstand how your body is trying to share signs of overwhelm with you.

However, many of us have to move through feeling the brunt of overwhelm to understand how we work in stressful situations, then use the experience as insight to create healthy self-care habits. In other words, you have to go through it to learn how to love yourself through it.

On the latest episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I talk about the signs of overwhelm and ways to notice it’s happening to you. I also share a bit of my personal experience with overwhelm, and how as an empath and HSP, it was all part of me learning how to take care of myself and listen to my needs without judgment.

Lastly I offer tips on how to create healthy self-care habits that can serve you in any space, especially when you are faced with public situations of overwhelm, in order to put your own well-being first.

When practiced regularly, self-care can help rewire the brain to generate healthy responses to stress, severely reduce the impact the mind, body, and spirit, and create self-soothing tools that build faith you will be OK. And in the end, that inner knowing goes a long way in reducing the impact of overwhelm on the body.

Interested in other podcasts on self-care and creating new habits? Check out Learning and Growing Through Crisis Energy, and Reviewing Habits That No Longer Serve You, and Tips To Shift Them. Want to connect with me for coaching or an intuitive reading? Visit Creative Katrina to schedule an appointment.