Episode 6

Everything in nature has a rhythm; a way of moving through change and transition. This ebb and flow, while natural for everything living on the planet, isn’t always easy to navigate. However, finding simple ways to tune in and stay grounded, combined with self-care and compassion, allows you to flow with whatever may be going on in a more mindful way.

On this episode of Flirting with Enlightenment, we talk about transition as a powerful process of release to allow the death of the old while inviting in the new. We also cover how the natural cycle of the seasons serves as both a tool and reminder for us to move through our own personal changes with patience and gratitude.

Nature definitely shares cues to help you disconnect and give yourself a pause to draw energy towards what you want to create – something people often struggle with taking for themselves in a busy world. Are you listening?

If you want tools and techniques to “tune in” to this naturally-occurring energy flow to impact your personal development or are interested in how to acknowledge and connect with the energy of the seasons, moon cycles and more, give this episode a listen.

We would also love to hear more about what you do to acknowledge these shifts in the bigger world as well as yourself. Share your ideas and suggestions here!

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Photo credit: Thanasis Anastasiou