Episode 78

Listen to “Flirting With Enlightenment”



As we kick-off a new energetic year in the first sign of zodiac, Aries, we also have an open invitation to harness that renewal vibe with a personal energy reset.

Aries reconnects us to our passion, reminds us of what we want to create, take action on, and fires up the desire to clean out any clutter that gets in the way. This momentum helps us shake off the old and gain clarity around what we need to move forward, feeling unencumbered and empowered.

That’s why it’s such a great time to tune in and create a personal energy reset by taking a peek into what needs a fresh perspective, and connect with the motivation to do something about it.

On the latest episode of the Flirting With Enlightenment podcast, I share a simple tool to take advantage of this seasonal shift in energy and use it to:

  • Review the state of our inner energy and how it feels
  • Shift focus to what is working and what is best to release
  • Look more closely at what we are denying or expressing- with our full heart
  • Boost efforts in a positive direction to gain clarity as well as deeper self-understanding

…and more.

When we look at things in our life that make us feel scattered, frustrated or fearful, as well as happy, curious and empowered, we are able to do a self-aware, personal energy reset. This puts us on a path of heart-centered creativity, deeper clarity on what we really want and need to move forward, and brings us closer to practicing active mindfulness.

Ready to kick-start a personal energy reset and embrace all its gifts? Use Aires energy as an invitation to get started! 

If you would like to listen to other podcast episodes that support healthy change from within, check out How to Create and Set Clear Intentions and Throat Chakra and All the Ways it Influences Self Expression. Want to learn more about ways to tap into inner knowing or schedule an intuitive reading? Connect with me on Creative Katrina.